Senior Fest 2024 Click here to get information and register for Senior Fest 2024

King's Kids

A Summer Music Camp for children who were in 1st-5th grade this past school year.

What is King's Kids?

King's Kids is a Children's Music Camp. It is for children who were in 1st-5th grade this past school year. This week long camp meets from 9 to Noon. During this time, the children participate in fun activities, spiritual lessons, and learn a musical to present on Sunday evening.

  • Learn and present an exciting musical in just one week!

  • Enjoy Games, Activities, Recreation and Snacks

  • Open to children who were in 1st-5th grade this past school year.

  • Camp is Monday - Friday mornings (9-Noon) and the musical presentation is on Sunday evening at 6:00.

  • King's Kids costs $8.00 which covers the shirt worn by all participants for the musical presentation on Sunday evening.
King's Kids