People today live longer than previous generations, having the chance to make disciples in several generations. Today's senior adults offer the church a variety of resources from their life experiences and their experiences with God. Senior adults of our community need a personal relationship with Christ.
55+ , FBC Milton's senior adult organization, has the 55+ Luncheon typically on the third Thursday of every month. A variety of guests bring enrichment, information, and entertainment. A wonderful meal prepared by "Mighty Chef" Debbie presents an opportunity for fellowship around the tables. The luncheon is from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. In addition to regular church activities on Sundays and Wednesdays, Senior adults are given opportunities for spiritual growth through conferences, revivals, and mission projects. In addition, numerous day and overnight trips are offered. For an overview of Senior Adult events, ask for a 55+ Ministry calendar by contacting Bob Lowe!
Upcoming Events
July 18 - Lunch @ 11:00
August 15 - Lunch @ 11:00
September 19 - SeniorFest @ 9:30
October 17 - Lunch @ 11:00
December 5 - Lunch @ 11:00
SeniorFest 2024
A time to worship together, hear God's Word taught, have lunch, and gain insight from a variety of breakout conferences you can choose.
Date: Thursday, September 19, 2024
Time: 9:30 am - 2:30 pm (Doors open at 8:30 am)
Cost: $10.00 per person
Where: First Baptist Church Milton
Registration can be found online here or by clicking the button below! Registration deadline is September 6th!
More Info
Have Questions? Feel free to contact our lead staff directly by clicking the button below!