
Missions at First: Loving the Nations

Missions at First

At its heart, missions is about God's people connecting with people for other places and cultures with the goal of sharing the gospel with them. God has given us the mission to make disciples of all nations. At First Baptist Church, we seek to obey God through giving, sending, praying, and going. We hope that you will explore ways you can give, support and pray for those sent as missionaries and also discover ways you can go.

California Fires and Disaster Relieg

Send Relief in Los Angeles

Send Relief is a combined effort between the North American Mission and International Mission Board to relieve human suffering during disasters and through ongoing community projects to meet human needs. During late 2024, Send Relief helped churches and volunteers to relieve the toll of suffering from hurricanes that impacted the Southeast and flooded much of Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina. They continue working in those areas.

Send Relief is also responding to the devastating fires in California. Pray for their efforts and pray for local churches in California that must minister to the hurting while suffering the impact of the fires themselves. If you would like to give to help relief efforts in California, you may give through our church and designate "California Fires" on the memo line. We will make sure it gets to the right place. You may also give directly to Send Relief's work in California by clicking the button below.

2025 Mission Trips and Opportunities

We are making plans for mission trips in 2025. Most of the trips listed below are still in the planning stage but appear here so that you can begin to pray about where God wants you to go in 2025.

Mission Milton

Date: Saturday, March 8

Student Mission Trip

Dates: June 14-20

Where: Guatemala

For details contact Bo Mills, bmills@fbcmilton.org.

International Mission Trip

Dates: July 9-16 (tentative)

Where: Manchester, England, United Kingdom

Estimated Costs: $1000 per person

For details contact Randy Jackson, rjackson@fbcmilton.org.

Construction Mission Trip

Dates: July 21-25

Where: To Floyd, Arkansas

Costs: To be determined

For details contact Michael Hoomes

Atlanta Mission Trip (Young Adults)

Date: November 14-16

Where: To work with Send Relief projects in and around Atlanta, Georgia.

Costs: $80 per person plus food during trip

For details contact Randy Jackson, rjackson@fbcmilton.org.

Pray for International Missions

Photo courtesy of the IMB

Muslims of South Africa

David had decided to be intentional about getting to know his Muslim neighbor, Abdul. They often chatted back and forth. One day as they collected their garbage cans, David asked Abdul, "Are you sure you are going to heaven?" Abdul responded that only God knows. Then Abdul asked David, "Do you know that you are going to heaven?" David responded, "Yes, because I was bought with a price on the cross!" Abdul struggled with this. Another day, David asked Abdul, "Does Allah love you?" Abdul responded affirmatively and proceeded to recite the 99 names of God as proof. The problem is that not one of those names is "love." Pray for Abdul, asking that the God of love will capture his heart one day. Pray for his neighbor, David, as he faithfully shares the truth of that love with Abdul.

Pray for Missions in North America

King's City Church

Christian and Hannah Gracia

Church Planting | King's City Church | Las Vegas, Nevada

Pray that they would be dependent upon God and sensitive to His Spirit. Ask for favor as they seek to reach the city of Las Vegas and the UNLV campus.

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