
Missions at First: Loving the Nations

Missions at First

At its heart, missions is about God's people connecting with people for other places and cultures with the goal of sharing the gospel with them. God has given us the mission to make disciples of all nations. At First Baptist Church, we seek to obey God through giving, sending, praying, and going. We hope that you will explore ways you can give, support and pray for those sent as missionaries and also discover ways you can go.

2025 Mission Trips and Opportunities

We are making plans for mission trips in 2025. Most of the trips listed below are still in the planning stage but appear here so that you can begin to pray about where God wants you to go in 2025.

Mission Milton

Date: Saturday, March 8

Student Mission Trip

Dates: June 14-20

Where: Guatemala

For details contact Bo Mills, bmills@fbcmilton.org.

Student Ministry Mission Trip

Dates: July 5-12

Where: Austin, Texas

For details contact Bo Mills, bmills@fbcmilton.org.

International Mission Trip

Dates: July 9-16 (tentative)

Where: Manchester, England, United Kingdom

Estimated Costs: $1000 per person

For details contact Randy Jackson, rjackson@fbcmilton.org.

Construction Mission Trip

Dates: October 6-10 (Note date change)

Where: To Floyd, Arkansas

Costs: To be determined

For details contact Michael Hoomes

Atlanta Mission Trip (Young Adults)

Date: November 14-16

Where: To work with Send Relief projects in and around Atlanta, Georgia.

Costs: $80 per person plus food during trip

For details contact Randy Jackson, rjackson@fbcmilton.org.

Pray for International Missions

Photo courtesy of the International Mission Board

Central Asian Unengaged Peoples

The Nuristani are made up of eight distinct groups, each having their own dialect. They are found in the remote mountain range in northeastern Afghanistan and some parts of Pakistan. Being very isolated within these mountain peaks has helped to preserve their culture but, at the same time, has hindered basic development among their people. Healthcare and good food sources are some of their greatest needs. The Nuristani follow the Sunni sect of Islam and include some practices of mysticism through amulets and charms. They are a completely verbal society with none of their languages written; however, some Bible recordings exist in their different dialects. Nuristani means "people of the light." Pray that the gospel will penetrate these isolated and cut-off areas of the Nuristani so that one day, they will shine Jesus' light to those around them. Ask the Lord to raise up believers with a heart for the Nuristani and a willingness to live at the very edge of the earth for their salvation. Pray that the Lord will provide not only for their spiritual needs, but also their physical needs through medical care and food.

Pray for Missions in North America

George and Pauline Mungai

Phoenix, Ariz.

George Mungai planted Neema Community Church in Phoenix, Ariz. His sending church is Silver Baptist Church in Everett, Wash.

We praise God for a successful community gathering on the last Sunday of 2024. God has been increasing our numbers. Pray for our planned mission trip to Kenya, June 13–25. We are trusting God will provide for the funds and believers who desire to travel with us.

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