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Missions at First: Loving the Nations

Missions at First

At its heart, missions is about God's people connecting with people for other places and cultures with the goal of sharing the gospel with them. God has given us the mission to make disciples of all nations. At First Baptist Church, we seek to obey God through giving, sending, praying, and going. We hope that you will explore ways you can give, support and pray for those sent as missionaries and also discover ways you can go.

Hurricane Disaster Relief

On the hills of Hurricane Helene bringing disaster to Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, and Tennessee, we now have Hurricane Milton . If you are looking to support for trustworthy organizations helping those in need, we recommend Florida Baptist Disaster Relief and Send Relief. Click on the buttons below to go to web pages to support relief and recovery for hurricane victims.

Pray for International Missions

Photo courtesy of the IMB

Tajiks of Tajikistan

(TAH-jeeks) - As the weather gets darker and colder, it is a cultural norm among Tajiks to wear dark colors until spring. The cold weather makes it difficult for Tajiks to travel to mountain regions and to have as much time to spend with family and friends. Please pray for Tajik believers, asking that they will be able to share the gospel and be bright lights in what some Tajiks consider a bleak season.

Pray for Missions in North America

Pray for Nick and Anna Abraham as they plant Reformation Bible Church in Navarre, Ohio. Pray that their church will be faithful to God's Word and that people in their communities would respond to the life-changing message of the gospel. Also, pray that God will give their family joy in Christ.

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