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Missions at First: Loving the Nations

Missions at First

God has given us the mission to make disciples of all nations. At First Baptist Church, we seek to obey God through giving, sending, praying, and going. We will hope that you will explore ways you can give, support and pray for those sent as missionaries and also discover ways you can go.

Our last mission team of the summer leaves for Manchester, England, this Thursday, July 18th. Pray for good flight connections and safe travels. Pray for the work they will do alongside IMB missionaries and British Christians while there.

Pray for International Missions

Summer Olympics 2024

Central Asian peoples encompass a wide array of ethnicities, including Turks, Kurds, Persians, and the diverse populations of the former Soviet countries. Their heritage and history are marked by richness and complexity. Moreover, they are almost entirely Muslim, with limited exposure to the gospel and very few churches. Let's pray for divine opportunities for Central Asians in Paris during the Olympics to encounter believers and the gospel message. May they meet individuals who can share Scriptures and gospel resources with them, planting seeds in their hearts. Let's petition the Lord for a mighty outpouring of His Spirit during this time in France, leading many Central Asians to embrace the truth of the gospel and find salvation in Jesus Christ, and that they will return to their homelands as ambassadors of eternal life.

Pray for Missions in North America

Pray for Trevor and Olivia Doles who are planting Faith Church in Miami. Pray the Lord will grow the church in holiness and conformity to Christ's image. Pray that the members will walk in a manner worship of the gospel. Trevor and Olivia ask us to pray for their family relations to be strong and for their marriage to be an example for their children.

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