
Missions at First: Loving the Nations

Missions at First

At its heart, missions is about God's people connecting with people for other places and cultures with the goal of sharing the gospel with them. God has given us the mission to make disciples of all nations. At First Baptist Church, we seek to obey God through giving, sending, praying, and going. We hope that you will explore ways you can give, support and pray for those sent as missionaries and also discover ways you can go.

Week of Prayer for North American Missions and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

Though the Week of Prayer has passed, you may still use the videos to pray for North American missions through Easter. Click the button below to go to a daily video prayer guide. As you pray for these church planters and those they are trying to reach, also pray about what God would have you give to support their work and that of many others through the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. We begin receiving the offering on March 2nd.

2025 Mission Trips and Opportunities

We are making plans for mission trips in 2025. Most of the trips listed below are still in the planning stage but appear here so that you can begin to pray about where God wants you to go in 2025.

Student Mission Trip

Dates: June 14-20

Where: Guatemala

For details contact Bo Mills, bmills@fbcmilton.org.

Student Ministry Mission Trip

Dates: July 5-12

Where: Austin, Texas

For details contact Bo Mills, bmills@fbcmilton.org.

International Mission Trip

Dates: July 16-23 (tentative)

Meeting for those Interested: March 30th at 4 pm in Bamberg Chapel

Where: Manchester, England, United Kingdom

Estimated Costs: $1000 per person

For details contact Randy Jackson, rjackson@fbcmilton.org.

Construction Mission Trip

Dates: October 6-10 (Note date change)

Where: To Floyd, Arkansas

Costs: To be determined

For details contact Michael Hoomes

Atlanta Mission Trip (Young Adults)

Date: November 14-16

Where: To work with Send Relief projects in and around Atlanta, Georgia.

Costs: $80 per person plus food during trip

For details contact Randy Jackson, rjackson@fbcmilton.org.

Pray for International Missions

Northern African and Middle Eastern Unengaged Peoples

Since the 13th century, Jewish people have been living in Switzerland. There have been tragic years and social struggles, but life now for the population of 18,000 Swiss Jews is stable and flourishing. They have established communities mostly in the major cities of Switzerland and speak many languages, including Swiss German, French, Hebrew, and Eastern Yiddish. While not all Swiss Jews are religious, most follow the teachings of the Torah (the law) and the prophets, and most are unengaged with the gospel. In Judaism, attaining favor with God is achieved by obeying the laws found in the Scriptures. While they believe in the God of the Old Testament, their eyes have not yet been opened to Jesus, the Messiah, in the New Testament. Pray that Jewish people living in Switzerland will realize that their good works can never make them right with God. Pray that they will have spiritual eyes to see and discerning ears to hear and believe Romans 3:21-22 (ESV): "But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it--the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe."

Pray for Missions in North America

Paul and Nancy Andrews

Church Planter | Resonate Church | Fremont California

Pray for God's continued work within the health care system. Pray for ongoing guidance in ministry work, as well as opportunities to be of service.

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