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New to FBC Milton? We'd love to get you connected!

New to FBC Milton?

Learning about a church can be a difficult and intimidating task. Allow us to share with you the most basic purpose for which we exist: our desire is to see people become passionate disciples of Jesus Christ. Jesus really is the center of all we say and do at FBC Milton.


Because we take our cues from Jesus, we seek to follow his example in how we interact with people. We are not nearly as concerned about where you have been as we are where you’re headed. You will not be shamed or condemned for past mistakes. We are not concerned with the style of clothing you wear, the news programs you watch, or the political party with which you affiliate.


Regardless of where you are on your journey through life, we seek to be a place where you can experience the love, grace, and forgiveness that Christ offers. We exist to continue the mission Jesus himself started, and we would love to have you take the journey with us!

We would love for you to fill out the form below and we will have a member of the staff reach out to you directly!

NOTE: We value your privacy and would never spam you