About Us
The men's ministry at FBC Milton is designed to tell others about Jesus Christ and to help our fellow brothers fight their daily battles, both personal and professional. Known by many as "Soul Warriors," the men's ministry desires to be committed, as true warriors, to aid one another in any way possible during times of need. Our men have weekly Bible studies, participate in work projects at church and in the community, sponsor special events, and have local family-centered activities.
One of the mottos of our men's ministry is, "I've Got Your Back." This means that when a brother is struggling with an adversity or is celebrating an awesome event, someone is beside him every step of the way. We support and encourage each other in our walks with Christ.
We would love to have you join us for our Wednesday night Bible study at 6:00 p.m. We currently meet downstairs in Building E.
Meet Tracy

Being a part of the men's ministry has been a great experience for me. This group has helped me grow in my walk with Christ and helped develop a desire to serve the Lord in our local community and other areas, as well as stepping up as the spiritual leader of my family. My favorite part of the ministry is being able to watch men grow in their relationship with the Lord. I have seen men come in broken and unsure of themselves and develop into faithful followers of the Lord by getting to know Him and how He can guide them in their lives. Our men have completed mission projects locally, in several communities across the United States and several mission trips outside of the United States. The men develop into leaders of their homes, as well as leaders at First Baptist. We help hold each other accountable and are there for one another to celebrate milestones or help each other through a rough patch in their lives.