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Strong-Willed Child

Guidance for understanding and parenting your strong-willed child.

Parenting a strong-willed child

These videos provide insight on understanding, loving, and living peacefully with a strong-willed child. Cynthia Tobias walks through topic by topic in these videos to point parents in the right direction to get started. You may need further guidance and there are resources and places to find information for parents at fbcmilton.org/familylife. Click the Parenting Children link and scroll down for places to find books and podcasts that you can trust.

Part 1: Understanding Your Strong-Willed Child

Strong-willed children are often misunderstood. In this first video, Cynthia Tobias explains what a strong will is and what it isn't. Understanding this could help bring about more obedience and cooperation in your home.

Understanding Your Strong-Willed Child

Part 2: Tough Love and the Strong-Willed Child

Balancing kindness and firmness can be tough with a strong-willed child. In this session, Cynthia Tobias shares how to be assertive but firm when dealing with your child.

Tough Love

Part 3: Use the Magic Word with your Strong-Willed Child

The "magic word" works eight times out of ten when asking your child to do something. Learn what it is and how to use it.

Use the Magic Word

Part 4: Tech, Devices, and Your Strong-Willed Child

Technology use is difficult to navigate, especially with a strong-willed child. In this fourth session, Cynthia Tobias talks about how to barter for tech use with your child, as well as how to set firm lines and consequences.

Tech and Devices

Part 5: How to Help Siblings Live Together Peacefully

Family relationships can be tricky to navigate. In this fifth session, Pastor Brian Noble talks about how to model peace to your children, and how to help them resolve conflict with each other.


Part 6: How to Live in Peace with Strong-Willed Children

Balancing kindness with firmness is tough as a parent, but it’s exactly what our Father does with us. In this final session, Pastor Brian Noble talks about how to do this with our children.

Want more parenting or marriage resources? Head over to fbcmilton.org/familylife.